Monday, August 11, 2008

Squezzy Our Mascot

Meet Squezzy. She is not a cool person. When we lived to the other house she terrorized me constantly. Here we see Squezzy eating Saidi's hamburger. Gosh I know she takes food out of the mouth of children. She was able to chew a hole through the trash bin so she could acess all the scraps from the trash and while she was in there just chillin poor unsuspecting me would go out there innocently trying to keep my house clean. This is when our conniving Squezzy would attack. Several times I would open the lid only to have her spring forth in a streak of fur, claws with blood dripping from her teeth attach herself to my face as I ran screaming around the yard. At this point Squezzy would yell, "who's house is this?? Huh woman?? Mine That's right and there better be some good stuff in the bag this time." What could I do but give her only the best pieces from the dinner table.
Not really on the whole attaching to my face thing but her eyes were very intimidating. She did jump out at me a few time and I dropped my cell phone. What I can clean and talk. I'm special.
Well that is all I can say about Squezzy. She will be missed.

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