Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm allergic to romance!

Anyone who has known us since we got married knows about the honeymoon fiasco. (If you don't know just ask and I'll tell.) So it's no big surprise that we don't really do the big romantic stuff. Our idea of US time is watching Futurama every night before bed. It works for us.
This valentines day City Boy pulled out all the stops!!! He got a barbershop quartet to serenade me on Valentines day and got me the diamond earings I have been mooning over. That in it's self is anything more than I could ever want!! Well he got some really good friends of ours to babysit the kids overnight and took me to a really nice hotel in downtown and made reservations at Landry's for dinner.
We checked into the hotel and it was amazing!! I've never been in one so nice. We than went to dinner. The food was great and it was so nice just to be alone with him. We did a little after shopping at union station.
On the way back to the hotel I started feeling a little sick to my stomache. By the time we got to the hotel I felt so sick. I spend the rest of the night in bed drinking sprite trying not to throw up.
(We ended up watching a few episodes of Futurama)
When we woke up in the morning (not to the sound of Saidi knocking on her door to get out) I felt a little shaky but otherwise fine. But City Boy felt sick and by that evening we were back at home with the kids and City Boy had the flu.
We were not meant to have alone time and romance in our lives. Maybe when we're 40 yr old empty nesters we can be a couple. I think I'll take the hint.

(P.S. It was so nice that he did all that for me. I just feel bad I couldn't enjoy it as much as possible. Thank goodness he's so patient and sweet with me!!!)

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